NEW Transit Pass Reimbursement- Who is eligible and How to apply
A new contract clause regarding a Transit Reimbursement fund provides certain members with up to $100 per calendar year for the purpose of offsetting the cost of a monthly transit pass.
Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and will require sufficient proof of purchase of a monthly transit pass, until the fund is depleted in any calendar year.
Newsletter Vol. 20, #96 March 2023
New Benefit Enrolment forms for Steady Part-Time Custodians and Supervision Aides-Deadline of March 1, 2023
Steady Part-Time Custodians are now eligible to enrol in Extended Health Benefit coverage in the same manner as full-time members. There are conditions, including the requirment to be actively enrolled in the Medical Services PLan (“MSP”). Employee pays 40% of the premium, with the VSB paying 60%.